High School Academics
At Shaker Heights High School, students can pursue a variety of academic pathways tailored to their interests and goals.
The school offers robust Career-Technical Education (CTE) programs, College Credit Plus (CCP) opportunities, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. Shaker Heights High School takes pride in providing a diverse and comprehensive educational experience that prepares students for success in college and beyond.
Our Vision for Learning
International Baccalaureate
More Programs & Service Offerings
Assessments & Testing:
Assessment Information and Schedules
International Families & ELL Services:
Resources for Students and Families
Library & Media:
Online Databases and Home Learning Resources
Social & Emotional Learning:
Assessment Information and Schedules
Special Education Services:
Special Education Programs and Services
Domestic and International Travel Opportunities