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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus

Save the Date:
2025 College Credit Plus Information Night
Monday, December 2 from 7-8 p.m.
Shaker Heights High School Large Auditorium

2024 Presentation Slide Deck

About College Credit Plus

Ohio's College Credit Plus program allows college-ready students to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from Ohio colleges and/or universities at little or no cost to families (see list of institutions at right). This program promotes rigorous academic pursuits and provides a wide variety of options to college-ready students in grades 7-12, including students who may have an interest in pursuing a particular career pathway. 

Public school students who are interested in taking advantage of this program must complete a Letter of Intent to Participate in CCP 24/25 and submit it by April 1 to the CCP Coordinator at Shaker Heights High School, to indicate interest in the program. To participate, students must also apply and be admitted to a college, and register for classes.

Who may benefit from College Credit Plus?

  • College-ready students in grades 7–12 who wish to begin earning college credits now. 
  • Students who have taken all the courses offered in a particular subject at the High School.
  • Students who have taken all the courses they need to graduate and are ready to begin college work.
  • Students who want to experience college-level work in preparation for college.
  • Students who may be interested in pursuing a particular career pathway.

Next Steps:

  • Join us for College Credit Plus Information Night on Tuesday, November 28th 2023 @ 7pm-8pm at Shaker Heights High School.
  • Prior to enrolling in a CCP course, high school counselors will assist the student in determining a course’s equivalency to a high school course.
  • Students should meet with their school counselor to discuss how CCP fits in with the student’s overall academic plan and career goals. Contact the College Credit Plus Coordinator at the High School, Gabrielle Perrin, to discuss your questions about the rules and deadlines for the program, and for assistance with having transcripts sent to colleges as part of your CCP application. 
  • By April 1, a completed "College Credit Plus Letter of Intent to Participate in CCP" must be turned in to Gabrielle Perrin, CCP Coordinator at the High School, in order to participate the following school year. Turning in the letter simply lets the school know you are interested in participating, it does not require participation, or guarantee admission to the program.

Key Information:

  • Taking a College Credit Plus (CCP) course from a public college or university is free. There is no cost for tuition, books, or fees.
  • Students who choose to attend a private college or university may incur limited costs.
  • CCP can satisfy or supplement graduation requirements. On the High School transcript, CCP courses are weighted "5" in the GPA, similar to AP and most IB courses.
  • Students must gain admission to the college where they intend to pursue courses.
  • High School counselors are prepared to discuss pathways with students who may be interested in pursuing a particular career.
  • Courses are available on the campus of the partnering university/college, online or a combination (blended learning). Families are responsible for transportation. 
  • Courses may be offered at Shaker Heights High School and taught by High School teachers or by teachers from the partnering university or college.
  • Students may earn up to 30 credit hours per academic year. In order to determine the number of credit hours a student can take through CCP in a year, the secondary school must calculate the number of course credits that are for high school credit only and multiply that by 3. That number is then subtracted from the 30 hours. The result is the maximum number of credit hours a student can take in the College Credit Plus program. If students would like to take more than the maximum number of credit hours, the student can arrange to register and pay for those additional credit hours as a “self-pay” student. Those hours would be outside of the College Credit Plus program.  
  • Students who receive accommodations through an IEP or 504 Plan at the secondary school level, can apply for college accommodations at the institution where they plan to attend. The family is responsible for filing the application, and deciding whether the accommodations offered are sufficient for the student to be successful at the institution.
  • Students may earn no more than 120 college credit hours while in the program. 
  • If a student withdraws from the course after the college-approved drop date, or fails the course, the student and family must reimburse Shaker Heights City School District for tuition and book/supply expenses ordinarily paid for by the school district, unless the student is determined to be economically disadvantaged. 
  • Students taking courses through CCP may encounter "mature content" as part of the requirements of a class. There are no modifications to this type of content for CCP students.
  • Students may be placed in CCP Probation or CCP Dismissal if their performance in CCP courses fall below a minimum standard, their overall GPA in CCP courses drops below 2.0, or they drop multiple CCP courses within a semester. Students may appeal the consequences to High School administration.