Senior Year & Commencement Info
Class of 2024 Senior Celebrations & Important Dates
Commencement will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 6 p.m., at the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University. The ceremony will last approximately one hour and forty-five minutes. Graduates will meet at the high school and take one-way buses to the Wolstein Center. As you plan for this special evening, please be sure to allow ample time to meet your graduate after the ceremony and exit the vicinity.
The only items Seniors must purchase for the Commencement ceremony is the cap & gown set from Jostens (tassel is included). The cost for this basic set is $29.63 before tax and can be ordered here online at Jostens. Please note, the basic tassel for the ceremony is included in the set. It is not necessary to order the Keepsake Tassel, which is an additional cost. In years past, boys wore red caps & gowns and girls wore white caps & gowns. However, students may choose to wear either color, red or white, to the Commencement ceremony. Jostens offers many other keepsake items and packages (graduation announcements, class rings, etc.). Please purchase caps, gowns, and any other items now so they arrive in a timely manner.
Seniors will receive guest tickets for the Commencement ceremony along with their caps & gowns at Passport to Commencement, our annual graduation fair that occurs in late May/early June.
We anticipate providing each graduate with 10 guest tickets for Commencement. Please complete this form to request extra tickets if needed.
Special-needs seating will be available for those who have disabilities or are unable to climb steps. Access to these seats will be first-come, first-served on June 5.
Graduates will receive a diploma cover when they walk the stage on June 5. The actual diploma can be picked up at the high school beginning the afternoon of Friday, June 7.
All student fees and fines must be paid before receiving the actual diploma.
Save the Dates
April 29 - May 2 - Black & White Photo Sessions
Friday, May 3 - Senior Project Check-Out Day & BBQ
Monday, May 6 - Senior Project Begins
Saturday, May 18 - Senior Prom & AfterProm
Tuesday, May 21 - Senior Cedar Point Trip
Wednesday, May 29 - Senior Clap Out @ Elementary Schools
Wednesday, May 29 - Senior Project Showcase
Monday, June 3 - Passport to Commencement
Tuesday, June 4 - Party in the Park (1 p.m.)
Wednesday, June 5 - Commencement (6 p.m.)
Thursday, June 6 - Diploma Pick-Up (begins @ 12 noon)
*Yard Signs - The PTO invites families of seniors to celebrate with Shaker grad yard signs! Sale ends May 5! Delivery during week of May 13. Limited time only so be sure to pre-order NOW with this two-step process:
PROM is Saturday, May 18, 8 - 11:30 p.m. Please click here for more information and to purchase tickets by Friday, May 3.
CEDAR POINT Senior Trip is Tuesday, May 21. Please click here for more information regarding the Cedar Point trip and to purchase tickets by Sunday, May 5.
*After Prom (May 18 - 19, 11:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. @ St. Dominic’s Church) - After Prom will have food, mocktails, DJ, raffles, casino games, non-casino games, magician, airbrush tattoo artist, balloon artist, and more. Cost is $10 per attendee. Fill out your promise form and sign up here.
*Clap Out (May 29, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.) - During this free event, students will be provided a cap and gown for clap out and may return to any of the 5 elementary schools or Woodbury to be celebrated by teachers and current students. Sign up here.
*SENIOR PROJECT SHOWCASE - Volunteers needed on Wednesday, May 29 at 5:30 p.m. for one hour. ALL SHAKER COMMUNITY MEMBERS are invited to volunteer. Please sign up to volunteer here.
PASSPORT to COMMENCEMENT (a required event for Seniors) is Monday, June 3, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Seniors will receive Commencement tickets (each student receives 10), pick up caps and gowns, and complete other check-out activities. Students who can’t attend, or are not cleared yet for graduation, may attend on Tuesday, June 4, 12 - 2 p.m. Both events take place in the north gym of the high school. Students will be emailed an assigned time to arrive in the north gym to complete the required stations. Students must be cleared to graduate by their counselors to attend.
*Party in the Park (June 4, 1 - 3 p.m. @ Horseshoe Lake Park) - The class of 2024 celebrates together at this free event with music, games and ice cream. Sign up here. Want to help? Volunteer your time or donate an item!
DIPLOMA PICK-UP - Graduates will receive diploma covers at the graduation ceremony. The actual diplomas can be picked up at SHHS beginning at 12 noon on Thursday, June 6, the day after Commencement. All fees and fines must be paid and Shaker materials returned before receiving the actual diploma.
*Visit to learn more about these incredible traditions. Questions? Email
Contact Info
Shaker Heights High School
Eric Juli, Principal
Laurie Brem, Admin. Assistant
15911 Aldersyde Drive
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
(216) 295-4200
(216) 295-4203 (attendance)
(216) 295-4277 (fax)